lundi 11 juillet 2016

New here

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this, but I'm excited to learn more. I'm not sure of my type. I'm afraid I lack the self awareness to type myself, but I'm working on it. About me: I've had several careers, but right now I'm a sahm. I'm hoping to be a teacher once my kids are old enough to go to school. I have lots of hobbies. I play piano and ukulele. I crochet. I recently started long distance running, and I love it.

That's all for now. I look forward to meeting all of you in the forums.

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New here

dimanche 3 juillet 2016

Miranda Kerr

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Miranda Kerr

samedi 2 juillet 2016

ESFJ (MBTI) vs ESFj (Socionics)

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ESFJ (MBTI) vs ESFj (Socionics)

Marie Curie

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Marie Curie

VI & a Questionnaire

VI for fun and curiosity...and a questionnaire to go along with it. VI my husband too?

1)What is beauty? What is love?

Beauty and Love are both like internal alignments with something that represents that which is important to someone, like an idealization.

Beauty is what is pleasing to the eye, but there is also beauty that lies underneath the surface and can come from an idea. External and internal beauty can align, internal beauty can leak through to make the exterior beautiful, but corruption of the inside leaks to the outside.

Love is feeling deeply for someone or something, like a strong internal conviction to something that brings about things like commitment and sacrifice.

2) What are your most important values?

Understanding, Respect, Patience, Curiosity, Loyalty, Commitment... Probably more, but I don't sit around thinking about what my values are. I try to live them.

3) Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

I used to be devoutly religious until I was around 15. I went to a private Christian school. I started around 15 to get curious about different religions and started reading books on religions. I found a lot of parallels and decided to keep an open mind around that time. Unfortunately I also lost my faith and never got it back. I say unfortunately because I wish I still had faith. But I don't consider myself religious, agnostic, atheist or any of those. I've come to find I don't care for labels like that. I consider myself curious and like learning about things revolving around spirituality and religion. I even thought about majoring in something to do with religion at one point. Basically, Robert Langdon has my dream job.

4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

War is inevitable. There are too many people with differing opinions or agendas to prevent it. People have had conflict and wars since the beginning and humanity hasn't learned anything from it that will stop it. It's simply human nature to want to survive and to ensure the survival of things that they believe in or care about.

Power is having influence. In order to have influence one must, at least initially, have respect. I don't really think about power for myself, but I do recognize it.

5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

I like talking about why people do the things they do. I'm not much of a conversationalist, really, not unless I feel like talking about something. I don't like pointless chit chat.

I have many interests, some come and go. I'm an obsessive googler. I love books, traveling, history... Just whatever catches my attention.

As for why...

Anytime I have a question, Google is my go to. I hate when people just don't google. If its at your disposal, it's there waiting for your every question...

I've always loved reading. I have visited so many different places, met so many different people, and traveled in different times from books. It helps me understand people better, different times that people lived in. I've always wanted to own my own bookstore or, you know, live in a library.

Traveling, I like traveling for similar reasons as books. I like learning about cultures, religions, learning different things about people. I like people watching. I'm a creepy people watcher.

History, same reason. There are different time periods I favor, however. I like reading about the Tudors for example. I've always been interested in Ancient Egypt. I wanted to be an Egyptologist when I was little. It was an obsession of mine. I also really like Victoriana... the houses, the books, the clothes...just everything Victorian.

I also like architecture, art, antique-ing, mythology, and ghost hunting. Then there are those fleeting interests like graphology & existentialism.

6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

I've never really been interested in health/medicine other than what I feel I need to know for something. Like I think I'd really hate a job in nursing or anything in the medical field. It wouldn't suit me. I've never been focused on my body, really. I have a hard time living in the moment. I live in my head. Although I also have ADD, so it could be related to that. I feel like I have to forcefully clear my mind to pull myself into the now to experience what is around me and appreciate it and it doesn't last for long.

7. What do you think of daily chores?

I kind of hate them. I've come to realize that the less stuff I have, the less stuff I have to deal with, so I'm all for a minimalistic life style. Up until the time I have to get rid of stuff.

8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

My favorite movies ever are the LOTR movies, The Departed, The Beach, The Hours, Pride & Prejudice, Far From the Madding Crowd, A River Runs Through It..

My favorite books are Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier, Pandora by Anne Rice, The Catcher in the Rye & Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger, The Light House by Virginia Woolf, The Fever series, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs...
I'm currently reading Six of Crows and I like it so far...

Favorite music...I really like classic rock and Folk music. Eagles, CCR, CSNY, Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel. I also like alternative music. I like Staind quite a bit. I actually like quite a few new songs right now. I'm surprised. A lot are more folksy.

9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

Some things make me sad and some things make me happy. It's not the same all the time. I guess I find irony kind of funny. Just because I'm not crying doesn't mean I'm not sad and just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean I'm not happy, so idk....

10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

Honestly, no where completely...I've always felt kind of outcasted in a way. Like I don't really belong any where. With my husband I feel the most belonging, probably, because he's like my best friend. He's always accepted me the way I am.

11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

I don't stick up for myself is the biggest complaint I've heard. I take things too personally. I don't know how to take a joke. I don't know how to have fun. I have a hard time getting over things. I overthink things too much....

What I dislike about myself... I'm not very organized. I wish I was more and consistently motivated. I overthink things too much and don't know how to just enjoy the moment.

12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

I've been told by people I'm really good at reading people right away, what they're like. Or that I'm good at understanding people. Hubs said I'm compassionate. I don't know what I like about myself...I don't ever feel good enough, there's always something to be improved..

13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

Surviving. lol. I joke that I'm like Nicole Kidman's character, Ada, in Cold Mountain after her father dies. That would so be me. But really idk. I think I need a schedule and to stick with it because I get deterred a lot by things that interest me. My life seems more on track when I do that. When I get off track, everything starts falling apart. I also need someone to tell other people off for me, but husband does that. Everyone always says I need to assert myself but I don't like dealing with it.

14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

Yes and no. Life is a rut and I can't get out till I'm dead. But I'm never bored. If I don't like my situation, I just look at it in another way or make something of it, and it's not so bad.

15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

I don't really dislike or like any particular qualities. It more the person themselves. I've described it before, that people's qualities are like ingredients, and if arrogance were an ingredient, it would mesh well with other ingredients to make a final product that might be appealing to me and others not so much. It's more everything combined than the individual qualities. It's also the motivation. Two people can be arrogant but the motivation for the arrogance is different.

16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

Idk. I met my husband when I was 15. He was the first person I ever really liked romantically. I never really had crushes. Anyway, he was really mature, responsible, confident, and smart, which I liked. He's also more outgoing than me and better with socializing, and I really needed someone like that. People have to drag me out of the house sometimes for socializing. It happens.

17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

Their safety. I have 3 kids and I'm paranoid about their safety. I also stress for them to follow what they love and that's what they'll be best at. My son loves rocks and finding cool ones, so I told him I bet he'd love geology and now he wants to be a geologist.

18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

If the person is a friend, I've already established that I like them, and I probably already knew they were like that to begin with, so I probably wouldn't be surprised. It really depends what it is what I would say....

19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem?

I don't want to be a part of society....I'd like a cabin off the grid to escape to. I see people as a whole like a mob, yell fire and they all trample you.

20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

I'm picky about choosing my friends. They usually have a similar world view as me. Idk how I behave around them. I am just myself..

21. How do you behave around strangers?

I'm quiet with strangers. I like observing them a bit before I talk to them to get a sense of what they're like. I can usually tell if I'm going to click with someone or not right away. Some people I don't and I know them all my life and there's like this barrier between us. I don't usually make eye contact if I don't feel like talking to anyone, though.

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VI & a Questionnaire

socionics4you tests

This person does not have an impulse to exert control over his/her environment and does not pay much heed to the opinion of the majority. The individual values his personal freedom highly and recognizes the right of others to express themselves freely. Depending on which TPE is leading, the desire to enjoy life and to take advantage of diverse opportunities is balanced with the need for self-preservation and protection from the unwanted influence of the outside world.

Dominance : Superid
Superid-types - Sergei Yesenin (IEI), Honoré de Balzac (ILI), Alexandre Dumas (SEI) and Jean Gabin (SLI) - are the bright exponents of the ‘Superid’ psychic energy which is characterised by the strong imagination, mystery of the night, physical relaxation and emotional calmness. Superid-types do not have a goal to impose their will to others. They do not tend to manage others and control the situation but at their best they are able to adjust themselves and bring subtle changes to the environment.. Superid-types know how to create the relaxed atmosphere of nonintrusive communication, soft touch, humour and comfort. Superid-types find themselves often sinking into their inner world, which serves them as a source of inspiration and creation. Their inner world is fragile and mobile. They subtly respond to the slightest changes in the surrounding environment. Knowing the sensibility of its nature, Superid-types spend a lot of time in loneliness, philosophising and thinking about themselves, their needs and trying to protect themselves from the destructive influence of the outside world. They are very perceptive!

Support: Id
Id-types - Aldous Huxley (IEE), Don Quixote (ILE), Napoleon I (SEE) and Georgy Zhukov (SLE) are the bright exponents of the psychic energy ‘Id’ which is characterised by a creative drive, changeability, flexibility, inexhaustible vivacity, and one’s potential whether apparent or hidden. Id-types are a source of inspiration for those who do not possess the power of optimism and zest for life. They share generously their interests and cheerfulness with others. Id-types are the people who occupy themselves with whatever is interesting and pleasurable to them. Their desires are variable, changeable, and adaptable to the current circumstances. Their main merit is that they can relatively quickly and without much effort get adapted to the new situation and switch from one activity to another if that is necessary. They are oriented to the external world and the things happening around them. As far as the world is full of various pleasures and wonderful events, their interest in life and willingness to enjoy new experiences remains much stronger than melancholy and short failures.

Neutrality: Superego
Superego-types (Fyodor Dostoyevsky (EII), Theodore Dreiser (ESI), Maximilien Robespierre (LII), Maxim Gorky (LSI) - are the bright representatives of the psychic energy ‘Superego’ which is characterised by clarity, sincerity, purity of thought, wisdom, morality, intellectual and spiritual pursuits. Superego-types are law-abiding, honest and responsible. They tend to fulfil the assigned work as high as diligently as possible so that they do not feel shameful in front of the others. When tackling an assignment, they go the extra mile to make sure their result is perfect. The quality of their work is their source of personal pride and critical self-esteem. As a rule, they are quiet, reserved, hard-working people who know how to behave in any situation. There is obvious integrity in their views and consistency in their judgements and deeds. They assert high moral values, keeping up an established order that is important for social conservation.

Deficiency: Ego
Ego-types - Hamlet (EIE), Victor Hugo (ESE), Jack London (LIE) and Stierlitz (LSE) -
are the bright exponents of the ‘Ego’ psychic energy which is characterised by excitement and attraction, masculinity and sexuality, physical strength, courage and confidence – all the qualities desirable for strong leadership. Ego-types are hard-working, possess great will power and intend to change the order of the surrounding environment at their sole discretion. As a rule, they are somewhat presumptuous and would not like to admit their weakness in public. It is important for them to have a goal and to feel that they are ready to deal with any obstacles in order to achieve that goal. Ego-types are good at managing other people, making decisions, taking responsibility and not giving up on failures. Such people, as a rule, are good at projecting an aura of confidence and giving the impression of a serious, business people.

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socionics4you tests

Sergio Ramos

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