jeudi 30 juin 2016

John Berger

“When we read a story, we inhabit it. The covers of the book are like a roof and four walls. What is to happen next will take place within the four walls of the story. And this is possible because the story's voice makes everything its own.”

“You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for your own pleasure.”

“Every city has a sex and an age which have nothing to do with demography. Rome is feminine. So is Odessa. London is a teenager, an urchin, and in this hasn’t changed since the time of Dickens. Paris, I believe, is a man in his twenties in love with an older woman.”

“A woman must continually watch herself. She is almost continually accompanied by her own image of herself. Whilst she is walking across a room or whilst she is weeping at the death of her father, she can scarcely avoid envisaging herself walking or weeping. From earliest childhood she has been taught and persuaded to survey herself continually. And so she comes to consider the surveyor and the surveyed within her as the two constituent yet always distinct elements of her identity as a woman. She has to survey everything she is and everything she does because how she appears to men, is of crucial importance for what is normally thought of as the success of her life. Her own sense of being in herself is supplanted by a sense of being appreciated as herself by another....

One might simplify this by saying: men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves. The surveyor of woman in herself is male: the surveyed female. Thus she turns herself into an object -- and most particularly an object of vision: a sight.”

“The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight.”

“To be desired is perhaps the closest anybody in this life can reach to feeling immortal.”

“The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied...but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which as beggar is a reminder of nothing.”

“What reconciles me to my own death more than anything else is the image of a place: a place where your bones and mine are buried, thrown, uncovered, together. They are strewn there pell-mell. One of your ribs leans against my skull. A metacarpal of my left hand lies inside your pelvis. (Against my broken ribs your breast like a flower.) The hundred bones of our feet are scattered like gravel. It is strange that this image of our proximity, concerning as it does mere phosphate of calcium, should bestow a sense of peace. Yet it does. With you I can imagine a place where to be phosphate of calcium is enough.”

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John Berger

Compassion & the natural order

Compassion doesn't oppose natural order. Whoever wrote that is not smart enough to understand that nature doesn't operate in a linear and predictable ways. There are branches in the evolutionary process.

If it opposed natural order it would not exist today. Therefore it is perfectly natural. The order may be odd or uncanny but not opposed.

Everything arises as or out of necessity to thrive and flourish. Nothing in nature wants to die so it finds a way. Maybe compassion is that way.

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Compassion & the natural order

Sick of questionnaires. VI me.

Nevermind, saw the edit.

Yeah. I get really irritated when people willfully rebel against authority just for the heck of it or because they "hate the system", I find it disrespectful. However, I also won't blindly follow someone who was appointed to be in charge simply because of protocol or tradition. The person in question has to demonstrate that he has earned it, that he is worthy of being in charge. If you watch Game Of Thrones, I strongly relate to the wildlings' view on leadership, even if I don't necessarily like their way of life.

What are your thoughts from a pure VI perspective?

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Sick of questionnaires. VI me.

Finally registered.

Sup boys, (very) long time lurker, first time poster. A friend of mine managed to convince me to make an account and start participating, because apparently I know some things.

Learned about MBTI in july/august 2014, quickly moved to socionics and Jungs original works as i found MB to be overly simplified. (everything MB did, socionics does better)
I also am an aspirant psychonaut.

PS. I tend to reffer to sociotypes by the 4 letter MBTI codes out of habit, so by INTP i mean INTj / LII / Ti-Ne type.

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Finally registered.

Outsiders (TV series)

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Outsiders (TV series)

mercredi 29 juin 2016

What's the difference between IEI and EIE?

Quote Originally Posted by Chacha View Post

Sorry for the very vague question, but I find it hard actually to differenciate both of these types. That's why I'm asking this questions to you, and hope you have some explanations or experiences.

Is the IEI less emotionally expressive than the EIE? Is EIE as "passive" as IEI?
What qualities would LSI prefer about EIE, compared to IEI?

How would an Fe dom with creative Ni think differently from Ni dom with Fe creative? Are they so different?
Would EIE take more initatives and be more aggressive?

I'm really wondering about that and hope you will answer to me. Thanks.

I'm not the person to answer this question, but I can't help myself. Whenever there's a chance to call EIEs the evil devils they are, I take it (only time I'm initiating anything).

Both types are emotionally expressive, just in different ways:

The EIEs I know are dramatic in their environment. They're the type to instigate fights between two people, then watch with popcorn. No, not all EIEs are this way *coughyoucantproveittomecough*. If you happen to watch many reality tv shows (housewives type crap), many of the women are EIEs.

The IEIs I know, including (mainly) myself, are dramatic in speech. I have a tendency to relay stories and experiences using words, tones etc that give the listener an emotional sense of what happened. People often tell me I tell exciting stories and they feel the emotion I felt, they have anticipation to find out what happened type crap. IEI would be like a musician whose lyrics are "deep" or are meant to evoke strong emotion (then again I'm speaking from an E4 perspective, so . . . ).

EIEs will take more initiative especially with their duals. IEIs not so much. However, subtype matters and Fe subtype of both EIE and IEI are more extroverted and initiative taking, especially in regards to interacting and engaging with other people.

From what I've noticed, Fe dom EIEs are dramatic/emotional in the immediate moment where the Ni dom is more calculating. Ni dom is more likely to plant seeds in people's mind that cause drama down the road. Fe, they want the sh*t to hit the fan immediately.

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What's the difference between IEI and EIE?

Enneagram 4 Delta EII or IEE

Are there any enneagram 4 delta? ENFP or INFJ?

4 Individualist Melancholy(Fantasizing) Origin Having no identity or significance To be uniquely themselves To overuse imagination in search of self Envy Equanimity(Emotional Balance) 2 1
These traits seem very Beta in arrogance and self absorption, whilst EII can be idealistic they do not seem to be this self absorbed. IEE on the other hand have an upbeat energy in what ever they may focus on.

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Enneagram 4 Delta EII or IEE

mardi 28 juin 2016

[Socionics] The beta dreamlife / lifestile

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[Socionics] The beta dreamlife / lifestile

VI me? (video)

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VI me? (video)

lundi 27 juin 2016

Learning about the INTP/ESFJ Dynamic

Greetings, folks . . .

I just joined with the hopes of better understanding the dynamics of an INTP / ENFJ relationship.

I'm on the Coast of Maine and am the INTP in the above relationship (which probably shouldn't be a surprise.)

Looking forward to learning more. Cheers.


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Learning about the INTP/ESFJ Dynamic

How to Tell if Static or Dyamic?

Static: something that is relatively consistent and regular. Example: we all have moods of the moment, depending on what's going on in our lives. But some of our values stay relatively consistent and that we turn to over and over again, across situations.

Dynamic: something that changes or evolves. There's inputs and outputs that affect the system or situation. If you learn to control/influence these, you can effect the system towards the way you want it to go.

In regards to Socionics, static/dynamic applies best to field (Xi) elements. (Static Xi= Fi/Ti; Dynamic Xi=Ni/Si)

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How to Tell if Static or Dyamic?

Thelma and Louise

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Thelma and Louise


I have been asked to give a Eulogy a couple of times and I just couldn't do it so I refused, politely. I have spoken at wakes before but it was in a moment of pure inspiration to speak. In one case I felt like the person who had died was pushing me to speak up because they didn't feel others were being completely genuine in their sentiments. It was really surreal and I felt a bit self conscious after but not during. I kind of left everyone speechless and many came up to me after and said I did a great job and the deceased person would have been proud of me. I hope it never happens again. I was very freaked out by my own lack of filters in that situation. It was like the person who died took over and said what they wanted then silently retreated back into the ether.

I am sure your father would have been proud of you too.

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dimanche 26 juin 2016

EII working with others

Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 2w1sw(1w9) helps others to live up to their own standards of what a good person is and is very behind the scenes in the process.
Tritype 1-2-6 stacking sp/sx

I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

Best description of functions:

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EII working with others

[VI] Do Vi me pls

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[VI] Do Vi me pls

Jessica Nigri

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    Alpha sf?
    Or maybe SLE?

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Jessica Nigri

samedi 25 juin 2016

Ah What the Hell, VI Me!

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Ah What the Hell, VI Me!

My tribute, the internal world of a Fi lead?

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My tribute, the internal world of a Fi lead?

[Socionics] Hi°

Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 2w1sw(1w9) helps others to live up to their own standards of what a good person is and is very behind the scenes in the process.
Tritype 1-2-6 stacking sp/sx

I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

Best description of functions:

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[Socionics] Hi°

vendredi 24 juin 2016

New to Socionics

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New to Socionics

Meg Frampton

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Meg Frampton

"Brexit" and the EU

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What are your guys' thoughts? I'm especially curious to know the opinions of those from the EU and the UK.

"Brexit" and the EU

♥.·:*¨¨*:·.♥.·:* Hi everyone! *:·.♥.·:*¨¨*:·.♥

Hi there! I'm really excited that this forum exists. I've been into MBTI and Enneagram for ~2 years now. Discovering Socionics was amazing - I think it's far more accurate than MBTI and I love how it doesn't have any intuitive/sensor bias. Hope to learn more from all of you here

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♥.·:*¨¨*:·.♥.·:* Hi everyone! *:·.♥.·:*¨¨*:·.♥

jeudi 23 juin 2016

Ti-Seeking vs. Ti PoLR?

Hey there. I would like to hear from some ExFj's and ExFp's on this. I find descriptions on the internet are too vague on these subjects.

ExFj's, why exactly do you seek Ti? What do you Ti-dom duals (if you've interacted with one) do that intrigues you?

On the flip-side, Ti PoLR's. What is it about Ti that you hate? What has you conflictor done that has irritated you?

I'd like for this to stick to real-life examples, if possible.


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Ti-Seeking vs. Ti PoLR?

21q ENFx? INFx?

Personal concepts
1. What is beauty? What is love?

i hate this question

2. What are your most important values?


3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

i believe in astrology, karma, guardians, that we have a fate. Because it makes sense and there has to be something more than what we actually can see. because why would we be alive otherwise? I believe karma works in a way that in your next life you get karma(good or bad energy) for the things youve done in your past lifes. and by this we each learn a lesson in each of our lives and together making the world grow stronger

4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

i dont care that much. if two big forces are against eachother there is nothing that can be done from my side and i dont care either because im not affected like the regular person thats not affected. ill let them have their little fights whatever

5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

i dont really have long conversations. my interests are psychology, music, and building houses/interior/exterior designing on the sims cause its so entertaining. when i was younger i wanted to be an architect. and an archeologist. lol

6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

no. i recognize when i feel bad or tired if thats not normal and i want to eat good and work out but it just sucks. i wish i could find a fun workout or go to a class so i cant just walk away and give up.

7. What do you think of daily chores?

i dont really do them unless i feel like ive been slacking soo much i just organize everything in one go. or something is dirty and i get super paranoid that theres gonna come bugs i clean every little corner there is

8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

Its actually been a long time since i watched a movie and ive never actually finished a book. i just feel like it such a waste of time and i should be doing something else. i prefer things you can just do and then when you need to go you can just go. also i get bored fast i guess and my thoughts slip into something else. With an exception of scary movies. but i hate them but i cant stop watching

Movies i like: the hunger games movies, About Time, Midnight in Paris, Vicky cristina barcelona, Scott pilgrim vs the world, Lost in translation, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Zodiac, groundhog Day, that other movie with Jake Gyllenhaal where he plays a psycho reporter, Catch me if you can, Shutter Island, Blue is the warmest color, Fight club, Ruby sparks

Tvshows: I fucking love friends

9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

dont know.

Evaluation & Behaviour
11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

facing my fears. facing my fears.

12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

Surprisingly gets everything done/pushes through in the end that they thought was gonna be very hard because of certain circumstances

13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
Someone to take me out to parties or just hagning out with others or outside. And with school. And when i want to achieve something they would lay down all the steps on how i can do it.

14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

No. or maybe ive just been in one my whole life.

People & Interactions
15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

When people are rude for no reason, talking shit about others that havent done anything, or just when they dont include everyone (subtly) or think theyre superior. I get along with people that are not these things. People that are easy going, that keep secrets, not too loud, but talks more than me so we can ahve a conversation going.

16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

i feel good about it lol. but its the thing that can make me feel the worst. I want a partner who is above ^ and not scared to make a fool out of themselves, dont care what other people think of their actions. and smarter than me. and attractive

17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
idk too much responsibilities

18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

depends. mostly negative. how i act depends on how my mood is and if want to deal with the stress of arguing or not.

19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

i feel not included. i feel like i cant be myself fully brcause then people will judge me.

20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
By how comfortable i feel around them. idk

21. How do you behave around strangers?
Depends on how theyre acting towards me

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21q ENFx? INFx?

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mercredi 22 juin 2016

21Q Because I Can!

Doing this because I haven't done a 21Q before! Mostly for fun and I enjoy how these questions aren't function-specific.

I currently type at SEE-Fi 6w7 sx/so, but other well-reasoned input is welcomed too if you disagree. Feel free to ask more questions or elaborations. Thanks for reading.

Personal concepts

1. What is beauty? What is love?

Beauty is in nature, to me. I love to do nature photography. I find beauty in colors, too. I love fashion as well, especially gothic fashion. I find beauty in darker things.

Love is more complicated. It’s an intense feeling for someone. A desire to be close to them and to never let them go. A bond, an understanding. Love is intense.

2. What are your most important values?

Strength, honesty, truth, loyalty, authenticity, and doing what is good.

3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

I am a Pagan and a witch. I believe in the forces of nature. I’m very much into the mysterious, archetypal, symbolic, and supernatural. I hold these beliefs because I believe there is an underlying realm in the world, that there’s more than meets the eye.

4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

I don’t like war, honestly. But I do believe in fighting to keep what is yours and defending your home and what is right. Power is strength, intimidation, fearlessness and a knowing that you can conquer with force.

5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

I’ve had long conversations about my interests. Like movies, videogames, etc.
I’ve also had long conversations about my relationships and memories. Talking about my family and friends and my relationships with them, our dynamics.

6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

Health/medicine is a kind of interesting topic to me. I love biology as it is fascinating. I’m studying to be a veterinarian currently, actually. I’m sort of focused on my body. I want to physically fit so I can do things like run, dance, hike, work, etc. and to look good.

7. What do you think of daily chores?

I hate them. Lol.

8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

Books: Tales of the Necromancer series, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, The Hunger Games, The House of Night series, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and I’m currently reading a book called The Dark Days by Alison Goodman. When I was younger, I loved the Warrior Cats books by Erin Hunter. A lot of Stephen King books. There are many more but the list would be exhaustive. Lol.

Movies: Marvel films, The Batman Nolan trilogy, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, The Labyrinth, Phantom of the Opera, Independence Day, and the ones I want to see that are coming out are Tarzan, Independence Day: Resurgence, and Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

TV Shows: (I don’t watch much TV, so bear with me here) Gotham, Raising Hope, Ghost Hunting/Paranormal shows, some Game of Thrones.

Anime: (I don’t like anime too much but the few I like are worth mentioning) Black Butler, Hellsing, Wolf’s Rain, Hetalia, and I’ve started watching Death Note. Not bad. I used to love InuYasha when I was younger but I can’t stomach it anymore.

Music: (Metal is my favorite genre, though I’m diverse) Nightwish, Within Temptation, Epica, Disturbed, Evanescence, Halestorm, Sonata Arctica, The Sisters of Mercy
And I do like some mainstream songs because I like the beat they have.

9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

I’ve cried out of worry for my mother’s health, fear of my future, when my father died and when I’ve missed him dearly.

What has made me smile is a little harder. Laughing at something funny, being with my friends, watching the horses in the pasture, winning at a riding competition.

10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

When I have all my friends together and am interacting with them, definitely when I’m being physical (running, hiking, dancing, swimming, etc.), when I’m getting things done, when I’m in nature and engaging in it.

Evaluation & Behaviour
11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

I’m a bit impulsive. As in, if something is overwhelming to me I eradicate it too quickly especially when emotional. That I can be a bit selfish at times. Or I sometimes jump on things too fast. I dislike that I sometimes lack an attention span and can’t plan things out well.

12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

That I’m very strong mentally, independent, learn physical things quickly, a hard worker, adaptable, and reliable. I like that I am capable of doing things on my own for the most part.

13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

I would like help on things like planning a course of action for my life and activities. I tend to struggle with some things like writing papers or projects for college. Some help with things like financial planning, as I have goals in my life I’d like to achieve but I’m not entirely sure how to get there.

14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

Yes. Right now. I feel stuck when I don’t make progress with things. In my horse riding career I feel stuck because I am unable to pay for shows and things. If I don’t advance I feel stuck. I’ve had foot surgery and have not been able to work or anything, so I feel stuck because I’m not doing anything.

People & Interactions
15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

I dislike when people are loud, obnoxious, and don’t take things seriously. I dislike when people are rude or aren’t respectful of other’s feelings. I get along with people who are quiet yet fun, have similar interests to myself, and who I can have deeper conversations with.

16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

I’m a romantic person and do have a higher sex drive. I want someone who can handle my intensity, keeps up with me, and is loyal and reliable.

17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

I don’t like kids and don’t really want them. But I would teach them not to whine, just do things/not give up, and how to be respectful. I think I would be a rather strict mother. However, I would also value my children doing their own thing and making their own choices. As in, I wouldn’t dictate them on what they should wear for example.

18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

I’m pretty quiet about my beliefs, but if something really clashes I would state my point clearly and explain my viewpoint. I would choose my words carefully yet I would not hold back my opinion.

19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

I don’t really give a crap about society to be honest. I generally dislike people. I guess a prevalent social problem is how the media pushes a certain image onto people, especially females. I hate that.
20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
I choose my friends based on common interests and perhaps worldviews. They share my sort of humor and I seek to build a bond with them. Around my friends, I’m fun loving and like to joke/tease.

21. How do you behave around strangers?
I’m hesitant around strangers. They make me nervous and I do have social anxiety. But I’m polite and respectful, still, if a bit guarded. I don’t like interacting with a bunch of strangers.

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21Q Because I Can!

Extroversion Introversion Test

" A healthy social life is found only when in the mirror of each soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living. "
Rudolf Steiner" He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened. "
Taoist Scripture
To some extroverts, their less outgoing counterparts may seem cold, distant and probably lonely. To some introverts, their more gregarious and outward-oriented opposites can appear loud, a little too talkative and even downright annoying. Although seeing these two types together would appear to be nearly impossible, the truth is that with a little understanding and mutual respect of each other's needs and boundaries, extroverts and introverts can live in relative harmony. The following advice offers helpful tips on how to better appreciate and get along with both orientations. Remember that introversion and extroversion are typically not choices. Trying to force an extrovert to be more introverted and vice versa is unfair and would likely have negative consequences.

Tips on understanding introverts:

  • Don't put them on the spot or force them to make snap decisions (especially in front of other people ? in class, meetings at work, etc.). Introverts prefer having time to gather their thoughts and thoroughly think things through. If you want a well-informed response or quality work you'll get it ? just give them some time.
  • Introverts generally don't like last minute changes in plans ? they're very methodical and like to follow a certain schedule. If you're going to cancel an outing with an introvert or need them to get something done before a deadline, give them a sufficient heads-up.
  • Remember that when it comes to face-to-face interaction, not all introverts (or people in general for that matter) are verbal virtuosos or born conversationalists. Don't mistake this for shyness or aloofness, however. In most cases, they are likely much more adept at expressing themselves in writing or other creative forms. In addition, introverts tend to be great listeners ? just don't talk their ear off!
  • Being around people for too long can be exhausting for introverts (especially when it comes to boisterous get-togethers), so many of them will purposely seek out solitude. This doesn't mean they don't enjoy people's company however ? they simply prefer it in moderation. Respect their need for privacy and alone time.
  • Small-talk generally isn't something that introverts enjoy. Most are very introspective and therefore, will often take pleasure in deep, intimate conversations. So, sit back and listen once in a while ? they have some pretty interesting things to say!
  • Like most people, introverts don't really like to be interrupted when speaking. If you really need to say something, at least wait until they finish their thought.
  • Although it may not seem like an introvert is listening to you, chances are that they're simply processing all that you're saying. Be patient if you don't get an immediate response. Introverts may choose not to comment simply because at that moment, they really have nothing to say.
  • Most introverts need their personal space, especially in the physical sense of the word. Invading the area where they spend their solo time or moving their things around can be really frustrating to them. Respect their boundaries.
  • Food for thought! Here are just a few examples of some well-known introverts to consider: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Charles Darwin, Mother Teresa, Steve Martin, Katherine Hepburn, and Carl Jung.

Tips on understanding extroverts:

  • Extroverts are often known to think "out loud". Granted, it may seem as though they're jumping from one random thought to the next (or they may keep repeating themselves), but this is the manner in which they generate ideas, solutions, and better understand the world overall. Despite what some may think, extroverts don't purposely hijack conversations or speak at length on an issue because they enjoy the sound of their own voice. They simply have a great deal they wish to express.
  • "Party" and "fun" are not the only two words in an extrovert's vocabulary. There are many who don't mind spending a quiet night at home as long as they've got some company.
  • Extroverts are not insatiable beasts who want to hog all the attention, nor are they incapable of being independent. Although they won't wilt and die in solitude like a plant without sunlight, too much of it can sap their energy and leave them feeling a little down. Remember - extroverts are most motivated and energetic when they're around people.
  • Extroverts don't purposely invade your space, pop in for a visit or call you up because they want to annoy you ? they simply enjoy your company. Also, when they're feeling down or upset, they are more likely to seek out others.
  • When a problem or task has to be dealt with, a decision needs to be made or a question answered, most extroverts are people of action ? they want to get it done now. If you're the type of person who needs time to think things through, make this clear to them ? just don't take too long!
  • In order to better grasp something, extroverts prefer to experience it. For instance, you can go into as much detail as you want about how amazing a restaurant you visited was ? the atmosphere, d?cor, the type of food ? but in order for an extrovert to truly empathize with you, they just may have to visit the restaurant themselves.
  • Food for thought! Here are a few examples of some well-known extroverts to consider: John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Madonna, and even the loveable Homer Simpson.

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Extroversion Introversion Test

Peter Drucker

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Peter Drucker

mardi 21 juin 2016

Jeff Seid

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Jeff Seid

[Enneagram] Parent--Child Orientation Interaction Forming Enneagram?

"I've recently come across a really interesting article that promotes a different hypothesis of how Enneagram types form during childhood and I thought I should present it briefly on the blog.

It's commonly accepted that the Enneagram type has both a genetic component and an environmental component and it's their interaction that decides the final typology. This theory states that there are three major innate orientations of the personality and that we are all born with one of them prevalent over the other two. Furthermore, it suggests that each of the nine Enneagram types is a consequence of the way in which the child's preferred inborn orientation (the hereditary component) interacts with the one that their parent - or main caretaker - has towards them in the forming years (the environmental component)." Taken from this blogpost

Three Basic Orientations

The three orientations are an expression of the Law of Three, on which the entire Enneagram concept is based. This law states that there are three kinds of forces that act in the human nature - the Active force, the Responsive force and the Neutral force and that each person is born with a natural preference for one of them. These three forces are similar to the Hornevian Groups (Assertive, Compliant and Withdrawn respectively), but they are used here in a different context, to describe inborn traits and parental styles rather than established personality. Here are the associated traits for each basic orientation:

Active: demanding, assertive, bossy, outspoken, intimidating, egocentric, expressive, willful.

Responsive: supportive, responsive, engaging, affectionate, friendly, sympathetic, cooperative.

Neutral: avoidant, withdrawn, indifferent, apathetic, absent, reserved, ignoring, neglectful.

Apparently, each child comes into the world with one of these predefined attitudes toward their environment and each parent will address their children with a certain parenting style, which can be, but isn't necessarily determined by their Enneagram type. Any Enneagram type can use any of the three orientations to attend to their children. For example - an Enneatype 5 can be a Responsive parent, an Enneatype 8 might use a Neutral approach with their offspring, while an Enneatype 1 may lean towards an Active style. What determines the environmental component of a child's future type is not necessarily the main caretaker's type, but rather their particular approach to relating to the child.

Nine Interaction Scenarios: Child vs. Parent

Active child vs. Active parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 8.

The child and parent experience open conflicts on a regular basis. They both have different agendas and oppose each other, thus giving rise to power struggles and explosive arguments. The Active parent is impatient and intolerant of the child's rebellious nature and tries to impose his will in an authoritarian fashion. The Active child, on the other hand, becomes aggressive, argumentative and persistent in getting his own way. The relationship becomes a sort of battlefield, which is how the child will later perceive the world around him (type 8).

Such a childhood scenario encourages the child to develop a keen eye for spotting other people's weaknesses and a thirst for imposing their will in an overly aggressive fashion. They learn to be assertive, strong and deny their fears and feelings of intimidation. These are the traits they needed to have in order to stand up to their domineering parents and still keep their own Active inborn approach.

Active child vs. Responsive parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 7

The demands and concerns of the Active child are usually received with benevolence and a supportive, encouraging attitude. This creates a tolerant environment in which the child can express himself openly and receive attention without much effort from his part. The Active child becomes self-confident, carefree and expects his interactions to be positive and favorable to his needs. The Responsive parent is sympathetic and loving, thus stimulating the child's playful, self-expressive side and giving him a good deal of personal freedom.

This childhood scenario promotes a cheerful, optimistic type who knows how to charm and manipulate others into easily getting his way. Entertaining and expressive, such a child may later expect instant gratification for all his needs and desires and avoid investing time and effort into long-term goals.

Active child vs. Neutral parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 4

In this relationship, the child usually tries to grab the attention of an indifferent or absent parent, by expressing himself with increasing intensity, until a response is achieved. The Active child may act in a dramatic, exaggerated manner, attempting to get his message across to the unconcerned caretaker. The Neutral caretaker will typically ignore the child's emotional needs, making the youngster feel frustrated, misunderstood and possibly abandoned. Sometimes the child turns these negative feelings inwardly, believing that they are unlovable and not special enough to deserve attention.

This scenario teaches the Active children that they are different than other children that seem to be getting the support they lack. They want to make themselves heard so they amplify their feelings, resorting to dramatic expressions of their emotions. These children may later become overly sensitive, artistic and theatrical, but also melancholic, self-loathing and depressive.

Responsive child vs. Active parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 1

This interaction is generally centered around the parent's agenda, to which the child will subscribe in order to receive the desired approval. The Active parent will be demanding, dominating and will criticize any perceived "bad" behavior. The Responsive child, on the other hand, is unusually sensitive to criticism so he will try to adjust and adhere to the parent's values and perspectives, by being obedient, well-behaved and an altogether "good kid". This attitude will help him build the desired rapport with the fastidious main caretaker.

With time, the child will learn to put aside his real needs and wishes in order to do the right thing, to be correct and morally ethical. These types will prefer to have a clear set of standards and rules to adhere to and will only feel worthy and lovable when they live a righteous life, in accordance with their upstanding principles. Their parents taught them that acceptance comes only through obedience and discipline.

Responsive child vs. Responsive parent

This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 6

This child will usually establish a very close relationship with his caretaker and will tend to become dependent on the nurturing, affectionate figure that offers him support and understanding. A strong desire for harmonious relationships is created and the Responsive child will reject and feel threatened by conflicts and lack of stability. Such types will seek playmates and groups that share their values and interests and will take an 'us against the world' stance, typically towards unfamiliar people and circumstances.

These Responsive children will prefer to play by the rules in order to keep themselves safe from any disharmony that will endanger their comforting, supportive relationships. They will be playful, endearing and loyal to their chosen groups and intimates, while at the same time remaining alert and vigilant to avoid any conflicts and hidden threats. Suspicion of other people's motives can arise as a protection from abandonment and rejection - they are in fact very afraid of losing their safe, nurturing grounds.

Responsive child vs. Neutral parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 2

In this case, the Responsive child will act in a pleasing, appealing matter but will most likely encounter an indifferent attitude on the part of the Neutral parent. Confronted with this apathy and lack of interest, the child can only resort to becoming even more pleasing and irresistible to the parent, until he manages to break through the shell of indifference and obtain the desired rapport. Such types will be helpful, empathetic, lovable and attractive and will have a knack for getting on the same wavelength with their parents - they know when and how to approach them in order to obtain their attention.

Growing up, the Responsive children will learn to intuitively sense and assess other people's moods and will know exactly how to fulfill their needs in order to be appreciated and loved by them. They have a wide repertoire of seductive behaviors and know exactly which approach to use in order to successfully engage others into a close relationship.

Neutral child vs. Active parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 9

The Neutral child is often overwhelmed and frightened by the controlling, domineering Active parent. Lacking self-assertion skills, he prefers to withdraw and stay out of the way, minimizing his own needs and avoiding the parent as much as possible. On the few occasions the child reaches out to the caretaker, he ends up feeling rejected and bullied around for no apparent reason, which causes him to withdraw again. The loneliness, however, also feels like rejection and soon enough the youngster will be ambivalent towards both being alone and being with others.

Most of the time, a compromise will be made. This type will seek out company but will not invest themselves in it, preferring to keep in the background and go with the flow, partly removed from their actual situation. When alone, they will avoid introspection, which will bring about old feelings of depression and rejection, instead they'd rather numb themselves out with food, TV or other unimportant routines to avoid emotional pain.

Neutral child vs. Responsive parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 5

In this relationship, the Responsive parent is inclined to give a lot of unrequested attention to the Neutral child, who perceives his parent's supportive and affectionate attitude as a form of smothering. The youngster will tend to withdraw from his environment, preferring solitary activities and contemplation, but as opposed to the previous scenario (of type 9), loneliness will not be accompanied by a feeling of rejection. At the contrary, being alone is a matter of choice and it gives a feeling of security and well-being, knowing that there is always someone to communicate with when they decide to seek out company.

Such children are genuine loners, who prefer and enjoy their solitude. They are introspective, insightful and love learning and discovering things on their own, usually rejecting any help or intervention from the outside. They are afraid of being intruded upon because their parents used to make a fuss over them and suffocate them with attention and demands for closeness.

Neutral child vs. Neutral parent
This scenario is thought to produce Enneagram type 3

This Neutral child's solitude is encouraged by his parent's own withdrawal and indifference, which doesn’t necessarily make the Neutral child feel openly rejected, but rather intrigues and challenges him. Serious, focused and rather unemotional, this youngster will most likely try to fulfill his occasional need for attention by impressing his parents with outstanding accomplishments and high aspirations, which make him feel worthy and valuable in their eyes.

Later in life, these children become motivated achievers who put great emphasis on results, performance, efficiency and a successful image that will make others appreciate and admire them. Deep inside they dislike being ignored because it makes them doubt their own value, therefore they tend to hide their weaknesses and flaws and project a desirable, attractive, "I-have-it-all" persona.

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[Enneagram] Parent--Child Orientation Interaction Forming Enneagram?


I am a new member of this forum, I am a human and I am also new to socionics .
I yet am not completely sure what my type is and I hope this forum will help me to understand socionics theory far better than I understand it now.
So far I have only taken a socionics test twice with different results EII-Ne and IEE-Ne so I suppouse I am one of those types.
I hope this forum will be fun .

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Advancements in Modern Medicine

The reason that I'm creating this thread, is to bring to light many of the recent advancements in medical technology in the past few years and speculate on what future advancements might potentially lie ahead of us in the future. The topics that this thread can include could range from discussions about the Human Genome project to HIV cocktails, as well as to also share what your perspective on these advancements are. I would prefer that we abstain from controversial topics like abortion laws and gender hormone therapy, because the discussion of these topics will lead to aggravation and insult towards the interlocutor, without having anything interesting or novel to contribute. Debate is welcome, but do not personally attack or insult anyone during the debate and surround the entire discussion around your banter. There will be other people who wish to contribute something new and interesting on the topic at hand. You are also free to digress and connect on other topics that are not directly related to medicine, such as human geography or other social sciences.

I will provide links to a few credible science news outlets to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and get the ball rolling:

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Advancements in Modern Medicine

Your parent's types

aisa - ESFP, INTP
Aiss (INFP) - , ESFJ
Aleksei (ENFJ) - ISTJ, ENFJ
Alstroemeria - ISFJ, ISFP
Anglas (ENTJ) - ISTJ, ISFJ
anndelise (ENFP) - ESFP, INFJ
April - INTP, ENFP
Azeroffs (ENTJ) - ESTJ, ENTP
bionic (ENTJ) - , INFJ
BulletsAndDoves (INFP) - INTJ, ESFJ
calenwen - ESTJ, INFJ
chips and underwear - ISTP,
Codie (INFP) - , ESFJ
ConcreteButterfly - ENTJ, ESFJ
Contra (INTP) - ESTJ, ENFP
Crispy (INTP) - , ISFJ
Cuddly McFluffles (ISFJ) - ISTJ~, ESFJ
DaftPunk (ISTP) - , ISTP
darya (ENFJ) - ISTJ, ENFJ
dinki (INFP) - ISTP, ESTJ
Director Abbie (ESTJ) - ENFP, ISTP
DividedsGhost (ESFJ) - , ISFP
epheme - ISFP, ENFP
EyeSeeCold (INTP) - , ESFJ
Francesca Rose (INFP) - , INTP
glam - ISTJ, ENFP
golden - ESFP,
inumbra - , ESFJ
jewels (ENFP) - INTJ, ISFP
Jenna (INFP) - , ENFJ
Joven Erudito89 (INFJ) - , INFP
Krig the Viking (INTJ) - , INFJ
lemontrees (ISFP) - ESTJ, ESFP
Logos (INTJ) - , ENFJ
lungs (INFJ) - , INFP
machintruc - ISFJ, ENFJ
malna (INFJ) - INTJ, ENFJ
Marie84 (INFJ) - ISTJ, ENTP
Maritsa (ENFJ) - ISTP, INTP
Martrix, The (ENFJ) - INTJ, INFP
MasterfulMischief - ESTJ, ISFJ
Mattie (ENFP) - INTP, ESFP
meatburger (ENFP) - ISTJ, ISFJ
Mediator Kam (ISFP) - , ESFJ
mikemex (ENFP) - INTJ, ENFJ
Nowisthetime (ISFP) - , ISFJ
meals (ISTP) - , ISFJ
Morcheeba (ENFJ) - , ESTP
Myst (ISTJ) - INTP,
octo (INFP) - INTJ, ESFJ
PistolShrimp (INFP) - ESTP, ISFP
Pookie (INFP) - , INFJ
Radio - ESFJ, ENFP
Raver (ENFP) - , ESFJ
redbaron - ISFP, INFJ
ryoka14 - ISFP,
Saberstorm (INTJ) - ENFP, INFP
Saoshyant (INTP) - , ENFJ
sindri (INFP) - INTJ, ISFP
Slacker (ENFP) - ENFJ, ENTJ
Starfall (INFP) - INFP, ENFP
strangeling - ESTJ, ISFP
Subteigh (INFJ) - , ISFJ
suedehead - , ISFP
Supremacist (ISTP) - INFJ, ENFJ
Suz (ESFJ) - , ISFP
SyrupDeGem - INFP ENTP~,
thehotelambush (INTJ) - ISTJ, ENTJ
Typhon (ENFJ) - INTP, INFJ
unefille (INFJ) - ISTJ, ESFJ
Warlord - ESTP, ENFP
willekeurig - ISTJ, ENFJ
woofwoofl (ESFP) - , ESFJ
xerx (ENTP) - ISTJ, ENFJ
yellow82 (ESFJ) - , INTP
Zed (INTJ) - , INFJ
1981slater (ENTP) - ISTJ, ENFJ
717495 - , ISFJ

in '()' is the type a member thinks as own
father, mother
~ - adoption parent


types of brothers/sisters:

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Your parent's types

Esfp attention seekers ?

If you have the time and patience to watch the video, watch it.

But what i found really interesting is what she said on her Facebook page :

In one of my last videos I said that ESFPs have the ability to mobilize a huge group of people against something.

Here is a short explanation of how it works:

ESFPs are Se doms and Se is the ability to mobilize people, if a ESFP wants to pull the group's attention, they can dart out something that will generate a public reaction against the subject matter or the ESFP himself or herself.
Example: let's say there is an INTJ in the room that is being object of the unwanted pressure of an ESFJ to join the atmosphere, the ESFP sees the INTJ's discomfort and mobilizes the group towards herself with "You are all so stupid it's painful to watch".
This generates a group reaction that distracts the attention from the INTJ.

So, is this true in your case? Do you have any other examples explaining Fe demonstrative ?

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Esfp attention seekers ?

lundi 20 juin 2016


which type does this fit. most humble (doesn't let things that you tell them about them get to their head), conscious of their surroundings, doesn't procrastinate, keeps surroundings clean and near, follows teacher's precise instructions and doesn't like to break the rules

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dimanche 19 juin 2016

Gray hair

What do you think of gray hair?

I have a friend, J, who started going gray in her twenties and now, at 34 years old, has a head of gray hair which she leaves natural. It is, imo, beautiful -- straight and thick and silver. Another friend of mine thinks it's "ridiculous" that J has chosen not to color her hair. My second friend's judgemental-ness, aside, this got me thinking and wondering about the perception of people, especially women, who let their hair go gray vs. coloring it.

So do tell: when you see a person w gray hair, what (if anything) do you think? And do you assume they are lazy or sloppy or careless, or do you assume they are distinguished or striking or wise? Like I said, I'm especially curious about the perception of women since 1 - I am a woman, and 2 - women seem to be held to stricter standards wrt appearance and grooming.

And do or will you color your hair, or let it be?

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Gray hair

DCNH and its dichotomies

There has been some confusion about the contact/distant, terminal/initial and connecting/ignoring dichotomy in DCNH, particularly when it comes to typing people in real-life through these dichotomies solely, as people tend to associate their colloquial meanings with these (i.e., ignoring would mean something like ignoring people). If you understand these dichotomies, then you don't need to discern the type related behaviors with subtype behaviors or observe the functional enhancement to type people, as certain types have some DCNH traits suppressed in favor of their general temperament, for e.g, Childlike/Infantile EP types (i.e., ILE/IEE) with Dominant type would show various Creative traits, jumping and bouncing from their seats, sudden sharing of ideas and potential, etc. but their orientation towards the life would remain always Dominant; that is, they will share their Ne information in a way as to dominate the conversation and not for releasing the information or enjoying the "creativity" for its own sake, plus they will sense the small changes in the environment, try to connect with people in order to get to know them and systematize the goals somehow, preferably using the people as resources, sort of putting anchors around people, turning into the quintessential EJ type.

Creatives tend to forget whatever is happening outside them when they are "on" (whether someone calls them or knocks the door), as if they could only see the things that fall in their sphere of interests and come across as pretty much oblivious to other stuff. For example, if they are talking with someone and another person around them asks something or interrupt them, then they won't respond till they finish whatever they are saying, and then notice later (even when they notice mid-sentence, they are unable to interrupt themselves... as if they have a fear of not being able to release tons of information out of their head or as if they are in a rush) unless someone force them so hard which irritates them and they may become quarrelsome and start ignoring that person intentionally (to deny the influence), whereas a Dominant would interrupt the other person, "Wait!" or show agreement/disagreement and complete whatever they are saying and then head towards the another person, or try to give the information if it can be given in short amount. Creatives have the "merging" presence with the person / people they are talking to, like they are the only deity/deities that exist in the whole world (do not confuse the Enneagram's sx merging with this) and they stop noticing any changes in the environment. I use the analogy of a shooter in shooter range with headphones to describe Creatives, where they simply focus on the targets with no concern for what is happening outside.

Dominants are aware of the people or whatever happening around them. They need to intentionally ignore someone if they are disturbing them too much, but you can see that they are deliberately trying to not listen such people or think about them (when their actions are already affecting the people around them). If the Dominant is "on", he is going to respond to every small changes in the environment, for e.g, if a child is slipped from the seat, or a door is knocked, or someone enters a room, etc. then they would be the one to respond, if Ne Base, they might create some metaphorical connection out of it in a very flaky but deliberate manner trying to create some effect outside, the Ni Base might give sarcastic remarks with their observations of small changes in an annoying way, i.e., if they are present in a house with strangers, and someone comes at the place with food stuff in his hands, then they would suddenly give remarks on the food or why they bought the food in the first place suggesting that they are really concerned with all such stuff implying they have a keen eyes (though it shouldn't necessarily be the Base function, I have seen Creative Ni Dominants do that as well... they come across as blunt on such small changes). This is ignoring/connecting dichotomy, and the most important dichomoty imo. Answer these questions:

(a) If you are "doing" something (whether it's a conversation or working on a project), and something happens around you, are you likely to suddenly interrupt and take measures to resolve the distraction, or you keep at your pace as long as someone isn't directly stopping you doing what you love? (A Creative wouldn't stop talking and bursting out the information. A Normalizer would keep doing his stuff)

(b) When you enter the house, do you tend to find the place where you can perform your activities freely or you take notice of the actions of the people present there, what they are eating or talking, the energy and movement of people? (A connecting Ni ego is likely to notice people's behaviors and why they are doing what they do. A connecting Si ego is likely to notice the energy and movement of people, staying in the present as much as possible, but both of these traits can exist).

Harmonizers must learn the ways to accommodate people, as everything is connected; that is, like Dominants, they observe the movements of people and small changes in the environment, often carefully and tactfully at times, and they come across as someone with incredibly low energy for doing / finishing things on their own, so they make themselves aware of the general ethics and good manners of the situations in order to accommodate people. They have an extremely relaxing presence, like if two people are talking to them at a time, then they would listen to both without giving importance to one person and if any of them start becoming pushy / aggressive, then it naturally turns into a calmness around them (For this reason, they are said to have an enhancementon this aspect of Si). If new changes cause the disturbance or annoyance, then they would let other energetic people resolve the issues, so they are truly observers and "connecting" for its own sake. Dominants are "connecting" because they need to be in control, which they can only do so by reacting to changes as they come, as this has the polarizing effect on people around them who then start believeing them a leader. As mutually connecting types, Dominants tend to go towards the Harmonizing way of doing things in three scenarios: (a) when they need to change their action plan (b) when they are threatened and unable to assert themselves or control people (c) when they are at peace and not doing anything or deliberately want to accommodate people, so they start to keep some distance to figure out the people / situation. They say that Harmonizers tend to go towards the Dominant way of doing things under pressure, but I haven't observed it yet, except one H-LSE suddenly ordering me aggressively through text.

Regarding the inital/terminal dichotomy, both Harmonizers and Creatives are initial, because they think they don't have the capability to decide on a single idea and work towards it. For Creatives, they may work on every direction or whatever they think will help them actualized, for e.g., in a group where there are few Creatives, they would not just distract themselves, but also distract other people (and get succeed in distracting Creatives, while annoying the terminal types - Ns and Ds). Terminal types do regulation, meaning no matter how messy they get, they would suddenly get reminded of the goals in their mind. It's hard for terminal types to abandon their previous goals, so when new information comes, they may either reject it or integrate to their mental lists for retrieving it later.

The contact/distant dichotomy is difficult to notice first, especially online where many socially inept people come presenting themselves in a sort of caricature. Sometimes it's possible to not have a clear DCNH type if you have mental disorders or are pretty unstable in your approach towards life. For example, if you have the anxiety/depression and spend most of your time at home due to it, but still badly want to contact with people, then you may take the "distant" approach (while still being connecting/ignoring). I have met a few people online with social anxiety who comes across as incredibly social, so you need to ask people what makes them most comfortable psychologically.

These are the general trends that I've observed in people. So, to determine the type, you need to observe the ignoring/connecting dichotomy first (which is very easy if you understand this dichotomy), which will help you rule out N/C or H/D, as people can fluctuate between the other two dichotomies under stress, but the change in ignoring/connecting dichotomy happens with constant efforts and not in a short time.

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DCNH and its dichotomies

Hot SLIs?

When I was courting my SLI ex, we were crossing the Straits of Macinac in a boat. (She likes sailing, and camping, and roughing it on trips into the wilderness of the UP. She was always prepared and never complained.) She was in the front of the boat, ignoring the spray and looking forward, and I told her she looked like Clint Eastwood.
So, Clint Eastwood.

Another example of an SLI might be Charles Bronson, as seen in the following clip. (The girl is ESI, the bearded guy is probably SLE-Ti, since he acts exactly like an SLE-Ti friend of mine.) This should give you the general feel of a male SLI:

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Hot SLIs?

Jungian dichotomy preference

Which Jungian dichotomy is easiest for you to assign for yourself? And what order for the other three? This should be based on your current evaluation, although you may wish to post about how this may have changed over time.

I'm more interested in the Jungian dichotomies as understood in Socionics rather than by Jung, but the distinction is not especially important.

If you cannot choose at any stage of your ranking, you could either give the relevant dichotomies the same ranking or just skip them.

It may be useful if you also stated your Socionics type (if it isn't widely known): it would be interesting to see if having a certain dichotomy being easy to determine makes it easy to determine your base function (we have had such discussions many times before).

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Jungian dichotomy preference

samedi 18 juin 2016

Regina George

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Regina George

Eric Gales

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Eric Gales