mercredi 22 juin 2016

Extroversion Introversion Test

" A healthy social life is found only when in the mirror of each soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living. "
Rudolf Steiner" He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened. "
Taoist Scripture
To some extroverts, their less outgoing counterparts may seem cold, distant and probably lonely. To some introverts, their more gregarious and outward-oriented opposites can appear loud, a little too talkative and even downright annoying. Although seeing these two types together would appear to be nearly impossible, the truth is that with a little understanding and mutual respect of each other's needs and boundaries, extroverts and introverts can live in relative harmony. The following advice offers helpful tips on how to better appreciate and get along with both orientations. Remember that introversion and extroversion are typically not choices. Trying to force an extrovert to be more introverted and vice versa is unfair and would likely have negative consequences.

Tips on understanding introverts:

  • Don't put them on the spot or force them to make snap decisions (especially in front of other people ? in class, meetings at work, etc.). Introverts prefer having time to gather their thoughts and thoroughly think things through. If you want a well-informed response or quality work you'll get it ? just give them some time.
  • Introverts generally don't like last minute changes in plans ? they're very methodical and like to follow a certain schedule. If you're going to cancel an outing with an introvert or need them to get something done before a deadline, give them a sufficient heads-up.
  • Remember that when it comes to face-to-face interaction, not all introverts (or people in general for that matter) are verbal virtuosos or born conversationalists. Don't mistake this for shyness or aloofness, however. In most cases, they are likely much more adept at expressing themselves in writing or other creative forms. In addition, introverts tend to be great listeners ? just don't talk their ear off!
  • Being around people for too long can be exhausting for introverts (especially when it comes to boisterous get-togethers), so many of them will purposely seek out solitude. This doesn't mean they don't enjoy people's company however ? they simply prefer it in moderation. Respect their need for privacy and alone time.
  • Small-talk generally isn't something that introverts enjoy. Most are very introspective and therefore, will often take pleasure in deep, intimate conversations. So, sit back and listen once in a while ? they have some pretty interesting things to say!
  • Like most people, introverts don't really like to be interrupted when speaking. If you really need to say something, at least wait until they finish their thought.
  • Although it may not seem like an introvert is listening to you, chances are that they're simply processing all that you're saying. Be patient if you don't get an immediate response. Introverts may choose not to comment simply because at that moment, they really have nothing to say.
  • Most introverts need their personal space, especially in the physical sense of the word. Invading the area where they spend their solo time or moving their things around can be really frustrating to them. Respect their boundaries.
  • Food for thought! Here are just a few examples of some well-known introverts to consider: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Charles Darwin, Mother Teresa, Steve Martin, Katherine Hepburn, and Carl Jung.

Tips on understanding extroverts:

  • Extroverts are often known to think "out loud". Granted, it may seem as though they're jumping from one random thought to the next (or they may keep repeating themselves), but this is the manner in which they generate ideas, solutions, and better understand the world overall. Despite what some may think, extroverts don't purposely hijack conversations or speak at length on an issue because they enjoy the sound of their own voice. They simply have a great deal they wish to express.
  • "Party" and "fun" are not the only two words in an extrovert's vocabulary. There are many who don't mind spending a quiet night at home as long as they've got some company.
  • Extroverts are not insatiable beasts who want to hog all the attention, nor are they incapable of being independent. Although they won't wilt and die in solitude like a plant without sunlight, too much of it can sap their energy and leave them feeling a little down. Remember - extroverts are most motivated and energetic when they're around people.
  • Extroverts don't purposely invade your space, pop in for a visit or call you up because they want to annoy you ? they simply enjoy your company. Also, when they're feeling down or upset, they are more likely to seek out others.
  • When a problem or task has to be dealt with, a decision needs to be made or a question answered, most extroverts are people of action ? they want to get it done now. If you're the type of person who needs time to think things through, make this clear to them ? just don't take too long!
  • In order to better grasp something, extroverts prefer to experience it. For instance, you can go into as much detail as you want about how amazing a restaurant you visited was ? the atmosphere, d?cor, the type of food ? but in order for an extrovert to truly empathize with you, they just may have to visit the restaurant themselves.
  • Food for thought! Here are a few examples of some well-known extroverts to consider: John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Madonna, and even the loveable Homer Simpson.

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Extroversion Introversion Test

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