lundi 13 juin 2016

ESI or SEE? (80Q Linked)

I am no expert on this, but I do know one male SEE and several male and female ESI's, and from my perspective, the biggest difference between them is how I feel around them. When I'm around the male SEE, I'm thinking of parties and doing random crazy stuff. (This is an Activity relation for me.) When I'm around a male ESI, I just go Meh, nothing special, but nothing horrible. Nice guy. Around female ESI's, I'm more like, Hey, you're pretty nice, let's talk. (Duality for me.) So, you might try to identify your type by how you feel around certain people whose type you are pretty sure of.

I was looking for a third type for whom relations would have the greatest difference in how they feel to either an SEE or an ESI, but there doesn't seem to be a big difference here.

You could ask yourself if you prefer LIE's or ILI's. There are videos around here somewhere with examples of both types.

You might ask yourself if you are introverted or extroverted, but that might be tough to determine. I usually ask someone if, when they are trying to solve a problem, do they think about it themselves (introvert), or do they ask someone else (extrovert)?

Or, you could see if you can decide by reading this:
This description is not definitive, though.

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ESI or SEE? (80Q Linked)

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