mercredi 8 juin 2016

How I poisoned myself for months and didn't know it until now

I just threw away my ionizer and bought a True Hepa air purifier. I was not about to donate my problem to someone else. I was running it 24/7, on high, for months. My breathing got worse and I started experiencing problems with vision including dry eyes, and nausea. My migraines got worse and more frequent. Within the first week, of buying it, I thought it was the ionizer, when I could no longer open my eyes, but I dismissed it. I blamed it on so many other things. I never had problems like that with my eyes and I should have listened to my intuition. It would have saved me hundreds on eye drops. I also had problems with not drinking water which only made it worse. I am now drinking water and recovering from long term dehydration. I was back and forth about posting this until a forum friend told me I should put the word out.

Not everyone will notice an extreme decrease in energy, or the other symptoms I have had, to the same extreme. I am naturally sensitive to environmental toxins and allergens. Anyway locking yourself in a room with an ozone generating device is very unhealthy. Most sites that claim ionizers/ozone generators are good for your health usually sell them or link to sites that do sell them.

I don't want to tell anyone what to do with their body but it is something to consider, if you think it might be a healthy thing to have running in your home, you might want to look at the information that is available. I gave a couple more balanced links but I had found some that were way better. I closed them out and didn't feel the energy to look through my history

Ionizers are devices that disperse negatively or positively charged ions which attach to particles in the air. The particulate matter is then collected by the ionizer or attaches to nearby surfaces. Ionizers are typically sold as "air purifiers" that remove allergen or asthma-inducing particles from the air. However, ionizers are not as effective at removing airborne particles as air purification devices that use high-efficiency particulate air, or HEPA, filters. Additionally, ionizers may also produce ozone, which can cause or worsen respiratory problems.

Effects on Allergies
Although ionizers are often advertised as devices that help improve allergy symptoms by removing allergen particles from the air, they have not proven to be particularly effective. While these devices do remove some small particles from the air, such as those found in tobacco smoke, they may be ineffective at removing the larger particles such as pollen and house dust allergens.

Asthma Effects
Because ionizers remove some types of airborne particles, they have also been marketed as methods of reducing asthma symptoms. However, ionizers can actually make asthma symptoms worse in a couple of ways. Small particles charged by ionizers, rather than being collected, are sometimes left suspended in the air, which can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Secondly, ionization may generate ozone as a byproduct, which can worsen asthma symptoms and other respiratory problems. Air purifiers that use HEPA filters are preferred over ionizers, as they effectively remove particulates from the air without posing any ozone risks.

I only hope I start to get my energy back sooner than later. It has been a couple days without it and it no longer hurts to breathe. I am also using way less eye drops but I bought some stuff that basically will clear the toxins from my eyes quicker. I wouldn't recommend it to others only because I am more experimental with my health but it says only use under a doctor's supervision and I am afraid to tell my eye doctor I am using them off label.

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How I poisoned myself for months and didn't know it until now

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