I'm not the person to answer this question, but I can't help myself. Whenever there's a chance to call EIEs the evil devils they are, I take it (only time I'm initiating anything).
Both types are emotionally expressive, just in different ways:
The EIEs I know are dramatic in their environment. They're the type to instigate fights between two people, then watch with popcorn. No, not all EIEs are this way *coughyoucantproveittomecough*. If you happen to watch many reality tv shows (housewives type crap), many of the women are EIEs.
The IEIs I know, including (mainly) myself, are dramatic in speech. I have a tendency to relay stories and experiences using words, tones etc that give the listener an emotional sense of what happened. People often tell me I tell exciting stories and they feel the emotion I felt, they have anticipation to find out what happened type crap. IEI would be like a musician whose lyrics are "deep" or are meant to evoke strong emotion (then again I'm speaking from an E4 perspective, so . . . ).
EIEs will take more initiative especially with their duals. IEIs not so much. However, subtype matters and Fe subtype of both EIE and IEI are more extroverted and initiative taking, especially in regards to interacting and engaging with other people.
From what I've noticed, Fe dom EIEs are dramatic/emotional in the immediate moment where the Ni dom is more calculating. Ni dom is more likely to plant seeds in people's mind that cause drama down the road. Fe, they want the sh*t to hit the fan immediately.
What's the difference between IEI and EIE?
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